BEGIN YOUR soul Transformation.

inspirational guidance

As a Soul Transformational Life Coach, my services revolve around guiding individuals through personal growth and spiritual development, helping them connect with their inner selves, overcome obstacles, and align with their true purpose. Here are some of the services that I offer:


One-on-One Coaching Sessions: Personalized coaching sessions where I work directly with clients to explore their goals, challenges, and desires. I provide guidance, support, and strategies for their spiritual and personal development journey.

Group Workshops: Organize group workshops or webinars focusing on specific themes such as self-discovery, mindfulness, meditation, energy healing, and other spiritual practices. Group settings can foster a sense of community and shared growth.

Guided Meditation and Visualization: Offer guided meditation sessions to help clients connect with their inner selves, release stress, and tap into their intuition. Visualization techniques can also be used to help them manifest their goals.

Energy Healing: I can offer sessions to help clients balance their energy centers (chakras), clear energy blockages, and promote emotional and physical well-being through the use of Reiki and Tapping.

Profile Of Black Woman Performing Sound Healing


Transformational Retreats: Organize immersive retreats where clients can disconnect from their daily routines and immerse themselves in transformative experiences, combining workshops, nature activities, and spiritual practices.

Journaling and Reflection Exercises: Provide journal prompts and reflection exercises to encourage clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and personal insights more deeply.

Goal Setting and Accountability: Help cli0ents set meaningful goals aligned with their spiritual and personal growth aspirations. Provide ongoing support and accountability to help them stay on track.

Emotional Well-being Coaching: Assist clients in managing their emotions, developing emotional intelligence, and finding healthy ways to cope with challenges.

Relationship and Communication Coaching: Support clients in improving their relationships by enhancing their communication skills, empathy, and understanding.


Life Purpose Discovery: Assist clients in uncovering their life purpose and passions. Help them align their actions with their deeper sense of purpose, fostering a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Inner Child Healing: Guide clients in healing past emotional wounds and traumas by connecting with their inner child. This can lead to emotional healing and personal transformation.

Intuitive Guidance: Use my intuitive abilities to provide insights and guidance to clients facing important decisions or challenges in their lives.

Self-Love and Self-Care Coaching: Assist clients in developing a healthy relationship with themselves, promoting self-love, self-acceptance, and self-care practices.

Spiritual Growth Plans: Create personalized plans for clients to help them embark on their spiritual growth journey. This might include suggested readings, practices, rituals, and exercises.


If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 soul transformational coaching might be the right step for you. Learn what you can expect in a session by booking a free consultation today.

Joseph Burris Soul Transformational Life Coach

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”

Eckhart Tolle